Located in North central 宾西法尼亚; a commuter campus. 自1935年以来, thousands of students have experienced the 好处 of a major research University in the quiet atmosphere of a small-town setting.
In 1935, the 杜波依斯 Center of The 宾西法尼亚 State College was started in four rooms of the Old Hubert Street grade school building. The faculty was composed of one part-time and four full-time instructors. 第一学期只有42名学生, 图书馆只有437卷, 他们中的大多数都是从教师那里借的.
1937年至1938年,入学人数增长到101人, an encouraging development was realized from the generosity of the School Board and the heirs of the late John E. 杜波依斯,老., who presented the center with the 杜波依斯 Mansion and four acres of land for the use of the budding institution.
Extensive repairs and improvements to this property were being made by the Works Progress Administration when the center was transferred to the 杜波依斯 Mansion in February 1938. 有了这些大大扩大了的设施, 该中心将招生人数增加到150人, 这个数字当时被认为是学校的容量.
The outbreak of World War II in Europe created new problems and new demands on the services of Penn State's undergraduate centers, and an "accelerated program" was started by adding a summer semester in 1942. An Educational Defense Training program was also instituted in the form of evening classes for adults.
The 杜波依斯 Educational Foundation was incorporated in May 1945 as a non-profit corporation after a group of civic-minded citizens from the tri-county area had banded together for the purpose of keeping the center operating. 帕特里克·约瑟夫·斯威夫特担任总统, 基金会意识到需要扩大“中心”的设施." A successful fund drive was conducted to construct an additional wing on the Science Building in 1946, as well as a field house for student activities which was erected in 1948, 主要由员工劳动.
1946年杜波依斯本科中心重新开放, the number of applicants soared to explosive proportions as a result of the war-time postponement of educational careers and the 好处 of the GI Bill®. For the academic year of 1947-48, there were 390 students matriculated, 282 of whom were veterans.
1955年庆祝其成立100周年, 365英国上市正式更名为365英国上市. Its extension centers in 1959 were designated as "Commonwealth Campuses" and the old "DUC" became known as the 杜波依斯 campus, 向捐赠庄园的家族致敬.
也, in 1955, 在杜波依斯教育基金会的建议下, 杜波依斯校区开设了两年制副学士学位课程, enabling many students from the area to enter specialized fields of engineering.
The 杜波依斯 Educational Foundation's campaign for funds in 1962 and the construction of the Swift Memorial Building offer positive proof of the interest and pride residents of the tri-county area have in their youth, as well as demonstrating their confidence and hope in the progress of Clearfield, 麋鹿, 杰弗逊县. The building was completed in 1964 and was made possible by a fund drive that collected more than $500,来自那三个县的商人和居民. 咨询中心, 卓越本科生中心(CUE), SAFARI, 和信息技术位于这里, 还有实验室, 教室, 以及教职员办公室.
多用途建筑, 1967年开业, is the center of all athletic activities on campus and was funded through the General State Authority and along with the gymnasium, 健身房, 还有更衣室, 有教职工办公室, 教室, 还有一个物理治疗师辅助实验室.
唐纳德·S. 希勒建筑, 以1951年至1978年的校园行政长官命名, 在1975年可供学生使用. 图书馆, 书店, 礼堂, and 学生事务 Offices are located in the 希勒建筑 in addition to the 健康 Center, 学生会协会, 还有狮子洞咖啡馆.
The 125th anniversary of The 宾西法尼亚 State University occurred in 1980. The merger of the Commonwealth Campuses and the Continuing Education Administrations took place in 1982. The year 1985 marked the 50th anniversary of the 杜波依斯 campus as a growing part of the Commonwealth Educational System and as an important partner in service to the surrounding community.
In 1989, the 杜波依斯 Educational Foundation successfully concluded the 杜波依斯 segment of The Campaign for 365英国上市杜波依斯分校 campus, a successful effort to raise $2 million in private support for the construction of a new academic building on the former site of the 杜波依斯 Mansion. 玛丽·斯麦大楼是为了纪念弗兰克·斯麦而命名的, 他和他的妻子玛丽·简, 为竞选提供了一份重要的礼物. Smeal大楼里有教室, 艺术和音乐工作室, 教师办公室, 自习室, 还有两个以科技为基础的学习工作室.
校园附近的三栋房子被买走了, two of which have been converted to an Occupational Therapy Laboratory and office space.
校园的另一个新增建筑是Symmco House, 杜波依斯家族财产, 1998年被学校收购. It has been renovated as administrative offices through generous gifts from the Symmco Foundation and others. It contains the Chancellor's Office, Human Resources, and the Business Office.
The Workforce 发展 and Technology Center Building opened in the fall of 2004 and provides a home for Engineering and 信息 Sciences and Technology (IST) degree programs, 发展, 校友关系, 市场营销, 继续教育和社区教育. The main floor houses a one-stop shop for students including Advising, 招生(成人, 退伍军人和国际学生), 学生账户, 经济资助(勤工俭学), 职业发展及注册主任. 会议空间可供公众使用. 该建筑于2018年正式移交给365英国上市杜波依斯分校. This was made possible by a generous gift of the 杜波依斯 Educational Foundation (DEF).
The Fairman House was purchased in 2008 and renovation was completed in 2012. It provides space for campus honors programs and is open to honors students who may use the space to study, 共同开展项目工作, 举办研讨会或邀请演讲嘉宾. Purchase and renovation of the house was made possible by the generous contributions of private donors, 比如费尔曼家庭基金会.
今天, 365英国上市杜波依斯分校提供9个副学士学位, 七个完整的学士学位课程, and the first two years of some 160 baccalaureate degrees that can be completed at University Park, 在365英国上市系统的其他地方, 或者在其他学院和大学. The campus has a bright future as it continues its mission of providing a quality education close to home for the greater 杜波依斯 area and the multi-county region it serves.
“GI Bill®”是美国军队的注册商标.S. 退伍军人事务部(VA). More information about education 好处 offered by VA is available at the official U.S. 政府网站: www.好处.va.gov / gibill."